New World is a brand new MMO from Amazon, and it’s a huge, huge game. Explore a thrilling, open-world MMO filled with danger and opportunity where you’ll forge a new destiny for yourself as an adventurer shipwrecked on the supernatural island of Aeternum.
One of the best parts of this MMORPG is its dungeons. Expeditions are New World’s take on dungeons. You’ll need a total of five players to start an Expedition. Each adventure will focus on testing each player’s skill and teamwork capabilities. Expeditions may look like a lot of work if you’re just beginning to play, but the loot rewards will make them more than worth it, such as New World MMO Coins.
In addition to loot and experience rewards, all Expeditions will also have a place in New World’s narrative. As players progress through the Expeditions, they’ll learn more about the game’s lore and the major events that have taken place to build up the core story.
As of right now, there are six total known Dungeons or Expeditions in New World and their level requirements.
LVL 25 – Amrine Excavation
LVL 35 – Shattered Obelisk
LVL 45 – The Depths
LVL 55 – Dynasty Shipyard
LVL 60 – Lazarus Instrumentality
LVL 60 – Garden of Genesis
To enter an expedition, at least one player in the party needs to have a Tuning Orb. These orbs can be crafted with the stonemasonry skill or acquired from quests and are limited to a certain number per week, depending on expedition level. All players are also recommended to meet a specific level before entering a particular expedition.
As the story of New World progresses and new content patches are introduced, the number of Expeditions in the game should also increase. This article will be updated as more Expeditions become available in New World.