It is tough to be a college student. Many students believe that their life at college will be full of fun and laughter when, in reality, all they do is ask one another to get them in touch with people who will provide you law essay help. The burden of work increases every day, which makes it even worse. There is no time for the students to focus on anything else, and all their time goes to studying and doing the chores. Since it is also their first time living by themselves, things are not easy as they have to manage everything on their own, be it doing their laundry or making food.
But in all this, there is also one more thing which makes it difficult for the student to focus. And those are all the distractions they have around them. From being surrounded by people of their age group and class, to having tiny computers in their hands in the form of mobile phones, students nowadays spend most of their time scrolling through social media. They will have tons of work to complete but as soon as they get home, they take out their phones and start scrolling mindlessly shifting from one app to another. And when they look back up, hours have gone by, and they got nothing done. While social media has made our lives better, it has also made it worse. It is one of the biggest distractions students face and has no become an addiction which is hard to get over. If you do not believe us, keep on reading to see how it has impacted young students all over the world.
How social media has threated the sanity of students all over the world:
It has made the concentration span really low:
Social media has decreased the concentration span of every student. Before, people used to focus on one thing for a long time without getting distracted. But now, after every 5 minutes, students will pull out their phones and have a glance at it to see if they missed out on a notification. That eagerness to replay instantly to a message is what makes them unable to concentrate on the work at hand. Even during lectures, they would be found looking at their phones always, missing out on what the professor has to say. This leads to them scoring less in their exams since they weren't paying full attention to the topics being taught.
It continuously provokes them to create comparisons with others:
Social media makes one compare their lives to others and not in the right way. When young students see people posing with expensive cars or wearing an expensive brand, a feeling of jealously automatically comes in where they feel like they have less. This comparison has ruined the lives of many as it increases anxiety and stress and makes a person lose their focus and purpose in life. Many girls are now getting surgeries to look like their favourite influencers or celebrities. It has made people think that an Instagram picture depicts the actual reality of the people and their lives when the truth is far different.
It gives them a platform which promotes wrong information:
Social media was first used as the quickest source of information and news, but now it spreads false information than the truth. People across the world are exposed to incorrect information and facts that are not said by the person they are associated with. It makes it quite challenging for students to understand if they are quoting the right persona and also makes them believe a lot of things and phenomenon's which aren't real. Even when looking for information when writing assignments and projects, a lot of students often find conflicting facts and figures, which then hinders the integrity of the research.
They are constantly looking for validation from people they don’t know:
Social media has forced young students to do a lot of things that they might not want to do. Many students feel the pressure to sneak out at night or to bunk classes, or to violate the policies only because it will make them look cool on social media. It is not easy for them to live life on their terms when they know that they are being judged by hundreds of people online. They feel like they need to show their experiences on social media to be accepted by the society because nowadays anyone who is not an avid user of social media is not someone people want to be friends with.
It makes them lazy and decreases their positivity:
Social media has become a massive nuisance since it keeps students wondering what is happening on their social profiles. All they do is spend their time on phones and will at times even spend 3 to 4 hours staring at the screen. They will not even realise it until they look up to see the clock. It is the common routine of many students. They wake up, go to class and then come back home and dive straight into bed while using their phone. This has become an addiction that is not easy to let go off, and many students struggle to even socialise without their phones. All in all, it hinders their productivity by proving to be a constant distraction.
All over impact on their mind and health:
It is tough to be a student nowadays due to the influence of social media. Instead of shaping their future, it is now becoming a huge distraction and is one of the leading causes of depression and anxiety amongst young students. All social media platforms were made to connect with people who lived far away and to see what they did in their lives. But it didn't go as planned, and things started to take a turn for the worse when people started misusing it and moulding it to fit their purpose. It is every parent's and student's responsibility to keep their social media activity in check so they can stay on track. If a proper social media schedule is not made, students will fall into this hole and will find it hard to climb back up into a world that's real and exists outside their screen.
How to make sure you listen effectively to maximise your concentration:
Students all across the world need to be good in a lot of fields if they want to raise their value in the corporate sector. Many organisations value skills over education, and in the long run, even if the students search for help, it won't matter since they will be learning and working on their skills. Instead of wasting time, students should work on their skills so that when they go out to get a job, they can easily find one and then excel in their career. One huge thing which is crucial for all students to remember is that good listening skills will get them far in life.
College students and why they absolutely need good listening skills:
Many students nowadays do not listen much. All they do is spend their time in class looking at phone or scrolling through social media. They lack to pay attention and are often disoriented in class, which makes it challenging for them to remember what was taught. And once they do not know what their professor told them to do, they end up submitting work that does not meet the brief, and that makes them lose their marks, thus ruining their grade point average and final grade.
For students, they must spend their time listening to what is being taught and what goes around them. If they listen with full attention, they will retain a lot more information than they think they can. And that knowledge and information will help them when they step into the corporate life. There are so many things which professors share in class; that goes beyond the pages of textbooks and coursework. And whatever they say will help you later in life. The more you see things happening around you, the more you will be able to relate.
Why do you want to be a good listener with a good memory?
You start to respect for the other person who is speaking:
When you listen to the other person with full interest, you will find yourself respecting them even more. Everyone has a story to tell, and quite often we are so engulfed in our lives that we are unaware of what the other person has to say. When we listen to the stories around us will all ears, we will have a newfound respect for the people we surround ourselves with. And they too will feel respected. Often when you hear someone half-heartedly, you will see that they feel disrespected and they too will not share things with you anymore. When we talk, we want our friends to listen to us, or we want the audience to be engaged. The more students listen to what the other person says, especially their professor, the more they will like you.
Int enables you to increase in information:
Listening to others will make you gain more information which you didn’t know of before. When you listen to the people around you, you will notice that you will start to gain more and more information. In class, many times the professors and teachers say something which they then later quiz you about. And the only reason why you cannot recall it then is because you never listened to it in the first place. The more you hear, the more you learn. Start listening attentively today and after a while, you will understand how much more you now know. Even with a simple conversation where everyone discusses their favourite food, you might learn about so many new dishes and cuisines and restaurants.
It will provide you more clarity and help you make the right choices:
Listening to conversations will make things more clear. When you listen to a lecture attentively, you will start to understand so many new concepts. Even the small things that are in your syllabus which always bothered you because you found them confusing will begin to sound easy, and at the end of the day, everything will be clear for you, and it will all begin to fall into place. The more invested you are in listening to others and remembering their conversations, the more you will start to understand. Be it lectures, random discussions or your counselling session with your professor; everything will be apparent to you.
It will help you foster better relationships:
When you are all ears to someone, you will find it easy to build better relationships. The key to any good relationship is a helahty barrier free, good communication, and the only way you can do that is by being a good listener. When you give a conversation your all, you will notice that you begin to understand the person a lot more and will even begin to see them in a new light. Your relationships with one another will prosper, and at the end of the day, you will find yourself getting close to certain someone. Not just that. Still, the more you listen to your professor and their lecture, the easier it will be for you to accept and fall in love with the subject and do well in it.
It will help you increase your patience:
Listening to others will increase your patience levels. We often get tired of someone and are impatient to share our point of view, which is why we either interrupt them or jump in the middle of a conversation and change the topic. It leaves a wrong impression to the speaker, and if you are willing to make amends, start with being a good listener. It will increase your patience levels and will make you better at life. The most challenging skill to obtain is patience, and if you nail that and fill the brief, you will be perfect for any position in the corporate sector.
Final Thoughts:
It is better if all students decide to become better listeners. When they start to spend their time and energy on working on these small skills, they will find it easier to make it big in the world. They will never drift away into their thoughts in a meeting, and neither will they ever forget what the boss asked them to do. They will always stand out and come out on top and will deliver exactly what was asked. If you too are looking and want to score better grades and want to go far in life, then start by working on your listening skills, and you will see all else fall into place.